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Gentle Euthanasia, performed peacefully at home

We are always at hand to discuss.

If you're worried, call us.

We don't judge and we don't charge for over the phone advice

Dogs, cats & rabbits

Dogs up to 25kg

Cats and rabbits any size



Large dogs 25-40kg



Giant dogs, please ask for fee

Paw print & hair

As a token of remembrance, we can make a clay paw print of your pet, together with a lock of their hair placed into a keepsake.


Our clients have said that they have found this very comforting and a precious reminder of their pet. 


This is your choice.


We can help arrange cremation or if you prefer you can do this yourself. 

These fees are for visits on the Wirral, if you're further away, its no problem, just contact us to discuss, we will do our best to help. 

time to say goodbye


If you are worried about your best friend, call or message us, we're here to help

One of our friendly team will contact you soon

B E C O M E  A  M E M B E R  O F  O U R   S I T E

Thanks for joining!


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